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Top 5 Real Estate Email Marketing Tips With Examples [2024]

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Top 5 Real Estate Email Marketing Tips With Examples

Real Estate Email Marketing Tips

When you want to buy groceries, it’s often a quick decision. You just need to head to Walmart or Target. But the same cannot be done while buying or selling property. Houses are high-ticket products that require a lot of consideration before making a decision. This means real estate marketers need to spend lots of time over customers to gain their trust. They can’t straight jump to the sales or try to convince buyers into making a decision.

Many businesses use MIS Webmails, such as schools and colleges. Function of MIS webmail is to provide students with classed, lectures and notes.

As a realtor, you can count on email to communicate with prospects, given its personalized, consistent, and trustworthy appeal. Since the sales cycles are longer with high stakes, using an ESP like Salesforce is a must. Today, I will share my top five tips with examples on leveraging Salesforce email templates and all its automation-backed data implementation capabilities for curating impressive real estate email marketing messages. Let’s begin.

#1 Personalize The Property Listings For Various Subscriber Segments

Capture extensive information about your leads through 360-degree integration with different channels/platforms and use it to identify similarities and segment your email list accordingly. Create separate lists by dividing the categories into different criteria such as those looking for family home v/s retirement home, suburban homes v/s urban homes.

This will make it much easier to market specifically toward client preferences. You might also create separate lists according to when the subscriber clicked an email link. Usually, 30 and 90 days increments work. Personalizing messages for separate lists will help you to write appropriate emails to retain and attract new clients.

Personalize The Property Listings For Various Subscriber Segments

#2 Make Use Of Modular Options In Promotional Emails For Properties

Potential buyers always want to know how much a property is worth buying. Always try to integrate some modular and additional options in your Salesforce templates to make your subscribers feel that they are in control of the value they can get out of it. Modular options such as additional carpets, chandeliers, water fountains work like a charm since every piece of property is connected to personal aspirations.

Generally, I always advise fellow marketers to use a single CTA button, and if required using multiple of them all should point at one destination. But here, you should specifically use unique URLs to gauge subscribers’ interests and adapt to their preferences like in the below example:

Make Use Of Modular Options In Promotional Emails For Properties

#3 Include Real Estate Industry Insights In Your Engagement Emails

Help your subscribers and clients to stay in the know about the latest trends in the real estate field with regular newsletter digests. You should include some interviews with the experts, provide the news or share popular blog posts in a personalized email, as a part of your expertise as a realtor. One way to share your neighborhood insights is to release neighborhood guides every week in the area.

Email marketing is also a wonderful medium for sharing longer stories, so take advantage of it and share how you have made a past client’s new home dreams come true or sold a client’s home in record time.

Include Real Estate Industry Insights In Your Engagement Emails

#4 Educate Your Customers On How You Handle The Process

Property buying can be a stressful experience, especially for first-time buyers. It can take up to a few months for buyers to find a home, and many start looking on their own before contacting any real estate agent. By using emails, you can educate your buyers about the home buying process and position yourself as a trustworthy source of information. When they are unsuccessful in finding a home on their own, they are more likely to get in touch with you.

Take the edge off your client’s fears from day one by telling them what to expect from you and how you handle the whole process. Tell them that you can make it easy for them to sell or to buy property. Make your subscribers aware of your excellent customer service, that you are always easily reachable to deal with any issues that may arise. On missing a call, you respond as soon as possible, even if they are not leaving any voice message. Educate them with your team by introducing them to the photographs, names, and work assigned to them so that your clients can easily come in contact with the required assistance.

Educate Your Customers On How You Handle The Process

#5 Incentivize Using Your Real Estate Platform And Keep Emails In Loop

Making it profitable to use your platform is one of the easiest ways to attract customers without spending big bucks on outreach. You can come up with incentive offers for your leads and divide the process into different phases. Communicate the details over emails as it will help build a strong rapport and increase your odds of conversion. Even if those benefits aren’t instantly tangible, they are likely to prefer you over other real estate platforms with similar deals.

A good example for Real Estate Email Marketing Tips is doing so is offering cascading discounts where the recipient can avail a cash discount if they choose to make a purchase from you. This way, you don’t need to invest any money upfront while being able to plan the finances of the respective transaction well in advance.

Incentivize Using Your Real Estate Platform And Keep Emails In Loop

Bottom Line

Real estate email marketing is all about running calibrated campaigns to engage the clients to catalyze progress in the slow-moving sales funnel. So, as a real estate marketer, focus on being the value generator, and things will definitely fall into the right places. Hope this article helps you use the powerful automation workflows and Salesforce templates for dominating the real estate scene in 2023.

Author Bio:

Kevin George is Head of Marketing at Email Uplers, one of the fastest growing custom email design and coding companies, and specializes in crafting professional email templates, PSD to HTML email conversion and free HTML email templates. He loves gadgets, bikes, jazz and eats and breathes email marketing. He enjoys sharing his insights and thoughts on email marketing best practices on his blog.

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