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How to launch a successful blog – Strategy and techniques

Launch a successful blog

by businessian

Launching a successful blog is a task that many want to start: an online business forget to do! It is the first step that you have to plan yes or yes.

Imagine arriving on the opening day of your page with already dozens of subscribers and people outside your “door” waiting to see what you have to propose!

That’s possible. It is not a dream; it is a fact. What you have to do is prepare a launch campaign with intention. Strategy and techniques are critical to being successful.

Are you thinking of creating a blog as an online business?

Do you recognize the importance of throwing correctly?

Do you have visibility problems?

The answers to these questions you will have in this article. A blog launch is almost as important as its creation. We also want to tell you the steps and how we had done it to get two national Radio programs to broadcast our project when it was being born.

What do we achieve with this?

First of all, a lot of visibility at the Bolivian level. Still, in Latin American countries, Radio is a vital channel for reaching large masses of people.

Second, give greater credibility to the project and us as its authors. If a traditional medium spreads it, they believe in it and consider that it may interest and benefit the population. It is a journalistic duty that they have to be transparent and always tell the truth.

Third, don’t spend a dollar to publicize your project. Take advantage of the credibility of these traditional channels, such as Radio, to spread your Blog.

Goals with launching a successful blog

The launch of the Blog we knew was a fundamental part of the project and the first piece to make ourselves known. We understood that “there is only one launch” (although there are people who relaunch their Blog). For us, the first impression is what counts.

It is the same as when you meet a person for the first time; the first impression they give you is what you will remember without having talked to them.

It is the same as when you meet a person for the first time; the first impression they give you is what you will remember without having talked to them. (Launch of a blog) CLICK TO TWEET

The first image that your future readers and clients make will be precious since changing it will be tough.

To leave a mark from the beginning and for the launch to catapult our Blog, we set these objectives:

A first impression that falls in love

Exceed 1000 visits in the first week of the Blog’s life since its launch

That the visits have a permanence in the Blog of at least 2 minutes

Strategy we follow

To define the strategy, we analyze the location of our target audience.

Who is our audience?

In our case, they are young couples (between 21-35 years old) who want to undertake together to live traveling.

We also rely heavily on our behavior. We knew that our audience gets coupled like us, unhappy lovers, travelers, and entrepreneurs; we also added the context.

Most of these people live on social media, specifically Facebook and Instagram.

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